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Erika 14thn @erikasekarayu1

Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

Mau Streaming

jadii ceritanya aku lagi buka twitter nihh ..
trus katanya 1D ada di late late show makanya aku mau streamingan ehh malah ga bisa git dehh
sebel dewwhhhh.... :(
baru pertama kali streamingan juga sihhh akuu....

oo iya kemaren kan aku abis donlot video 1D judulnya one direction new beginning 
jadi didalem vidionya itu ada funny momentnya 1D tapi cuman ber 4 trus dibelakanganya ada kayak teriima kasih buat zayn gitu kata katanya sihh sederhana tapi itu menyenyuh banget gituu

jadi di awal kata2nya gini

25 March 2015.. is the saddest day for 1D and directioners zayn malik decide to leave 1D first hug 23.07.2010 and last hug 18.03.2015 so suddenly.. this really painful but we can't do anything taht we can do just accept and recpect he wishes and decision eventhough very hard to accept it but this is what happened. Zayn you will always in our heart.

trus akhir kata2nya buat yang terima kasih buat zayn itu sangat menyentuh buat aku

and bye Zayn thank you for all memories that have you left off when you still in 1D
thank you for your smile,your laughter,your melodic voice,your high notes
thank you for everything 
you have done all this time to us that will never be forgetten
 :( :( :(

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